I started with Jennifer in the summer of 2015 when I was just looking for a place to workout for 3 months while the Workout room at my regular Kick Boxing Class was being renovated. I felt I was in good enough shape for my age since I worked out at least 2-3 times a week and didn’t have any health issues. But, after working with Jennifer for a few weeks and following her program, I realized that if I wanted to become and maintain my best self, I needed more then just a workout routine, I needed a fitness lifestyle that developed all of me (mind, body and soul). I’ve since followed Jennifer through 2 Gym moves, including opening of her own FIT4LYFE Gym. Jennifer is passionate about her craft and pours her all into each and every client. Jennifer and the other trainers, have built not just a gym, but a home away from home. I recommend FIT4LYE Gym to anyone looking for a place where you will receive support, share experiences, celebrate goals and be encouraged to keep pushing after setbacks.